The Eco3 AmeriCorps VISTA program is excited to announce we have positions open starting in August 2022! VISTA members in our Eco3 VISTA program serve for a year at local nonprofit organizations and public agencies across the Northland. The Eco3 VISTA program helps to reduce poverty and build the capacity and resiliency of our partner organizations.

Along with this important work, VISTA members also gain valuable experience and access to professional development opportunities, become part of a cohort of like-minded, supportive individuals, and will receive either an educational award or a cash stipend upon completion of their service.
In 2022, our program is expanding from 41 VISTAs at 22 organizations to 45 VISTA members at 26 different organizations and 20 Summer VISTAs serving across Northern Minnesota and Northern Wisconsin. While the Eco3 VISTA program developed with a focus on the Duluth community, this expansion will now allow Ecolibrium3 to extend capacity-building services to address the unique challenges facing rural communities.

We can’t wait to see what this expansion will mean for the Eco3 VISTA program, and more importantly, the positive changes for the wider community! If you or someone you know is looking for a meaningful, impactful year of service, look no further than the Eco3 VISTA program.
Applications to join the 2022 Eco3 VISTA cohort will be accepted until July 11th. Find available positions at!
More information about the benefits of AmeriCorps VISTA service can be found at
More information about how to apply can be found at