Ever walked down a street and thought, “wow, that house is in tough shape”? We definitely have. Blight not only hurts the attractiveness of a neighborhood, but also brings other unfavorable activity into a community. Taking care of blighted properties is a necessary part of Ecolibrium3’s mission to build a sustainable neighborhood. We are excited to say that we have been granted a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the City of Duluth that will enable us able to remove up to three condemned houses in the Lincoln Park neighborhood.
Because removing blight is a priority of other community leaders too, we have started a partnership with the Duluth Police Department, Fire Department, Planning Department, and Waste Management to ensure the houses we remove are the most necessary for the neighborhood. We are concerned with illegal activity, fire hazards, unsafe structure, and property value to surrounding houses. Each department brings a new perspective to safety and their own funding for blight removal that is separate from our CDBG. By partnering with all parties that deal with blighted houses, we can make sure that we are successful in the removal of property and revitalization for the neighborhood after the condemned houses are gone.
We are in the process of identifying at least two houses in the most critical areas of the Lincoln Park neighborhood that also is a priority for each of our partners. The houses will be removed before September of 2020 and between now and then we will be putting together a plan for building affordable housing on the revitalized properties.
There are a few ways you can get involved! Contact us if:
- You own a condemned house and would like more information on how to pass on ownership, or
- You are a neighborhood resident who is affected by a condemned house on your street.