October is here and the cold weather is unfortunately not too far behind, but at Eco3, October is also Weatherization and Energy Efficiency month. So let us help you get prepared!
All month long our energy team is performing virtual home energy audits and providing you with all the knowledge to successfully get your home ready for the winter months. Each week we will focus on different aspects of your home with informational posts, videos on DIY weatherization, and opportunities to get your questions answered by our energy experts.
We are also happy to be partnering with Marshall Hardware in Lakeside to offer 10% off on weatherization products all month long when mentioning Ecolibrium3 and Weatherization Month.

Weatherization Month Schedule
Oct 5-9: Air Sealing Week
Oct 12-16: Insulation Week
Oct 19-23: Energy Efficiency Week
Oct 26-30: Home Heating and Technology Week
Join us every Tuesday from 9:30am – 11am for video office hours by joining the Zoom video call* at the link below or by calling (218) 336-1038. We can answer any questions you have or get you signed up for a free Remote Energy Audit!
*Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/92828023800?pwd=cHpML1EzVDZWREg0bDJuWjhWUkd0Zz09