Professional development is an important component of the VISTA program. Ecolibrium3 VISTA members have the opportunity to participate in trainings and professional development throughout service to build skills and gain knowledge. Members will attend monthly All VISTA Meeting (AVM) for professional development training. In addition to AVMs, members are encouraged to seek additional training to complement cohort training.
Each time you complete a training, record its completion using the ‘report training’ button below. This is important to complete because professional development training is one of the benchmarks our program reports on to AmeriCorps National.
Additionally, AmeriCorps national provides a number of trainings through VISTA Campus. In the chart below, you will find a list of training modules recommended by the Eco3 VISTA program staff. If you complete a training from the list below, click on ‘report completion’ for that training..
Completed Trainings
The following table consists of all of the trainings you have reported.
If you are experiencing issues with accessing or reporting trainings please contact Laec at