Over the term of your service, important resources will be added to this page. As a start, check out these handbooks and guides to aid in your transition into service.
Welcome to AmeriCorps VISTA and thank you for your commitment to our community! To help you get started in navigating the AmeriCorps onboarding pieces, read the AmeriCorps Guide to Entering Service.
The Eco3 VISTA Program encourages you to read through the AmeriCorps VISTA Member Handbook to learn and understand the purpose and policies of the AmeriCorps program as a whole. When you have a question about your service and benefits, you should check the member handbook first, then check with Eco3 VISTA staff if you need additional information.
AmeriCorps members serving with the VISTA program are eligible to receive one of two healthcare
benefit plans. The benefit you select will depend on your own healthcare situation. The AmeriCorps VISTA Health Benefits Overview document will help you figure out which healthcare benefit plan is best for your situation, provide the details on each of the two options, and give you important definitions and answers to frequently asked questions.
During your year of service you will help your cohort members in many ways and take some of your knowledge and pay it forward to future VISTAs. The Eco3 VISTA Guide was first developed by the 2019-2020 cohort of Eco3 VISTAs as a way for members to aid future VISTAs in their transition into service in northeastern Minnesota. The unofficial guide has been added to by every cohort since its creation. It contains much of the information you need to know about being an AmeriCorps VISTA and enjoying your time in the Northland.
Although it is monitored for content to ensure program accuracy, it is a meant as a living document that you and your cohort members can change, edit, and add to during your year of service. Contact your VISTA Leader if you would like to add or edit content!
The Hatch Act defines the rules and restrictions on political activities in which federal workers may engage. The Domestic Volunteer Service Act, at 42 U.S.C. § 5055, applies the Hatch Act to AmeriCorps members in VISTA during their service. The Hatch Act applies to all members, whether they serve full-time or part-time, at all times during their service, including off duty hours.
Ecolibrium3 VISTA supports Member’s rights to engage in political activity in accordance with AmeriCorps policy. Members may participate in political activities to the extent that (1) the member does not represent or attempt to represent the views of members on any public issue; (2) the member’s participation could not be reasonably understood by the community as being identified with the AmeriCorps VISTA program, the project, or other elements of their service; and (3) the member’s participation does not interfere with the performance of their duties.
Under the Hatch Act, members are prohibited from engaging in the following activities at all times during service, including off duty service time:
- May not use their official authority or influence, as a member, to influence an election
- May not knowingly solicit or discourage the political activity of any individual or organization that has business before AmeriCorps or the VISTA program (e.ga sponsoring organization or project)
- May not engage in political activity while in service time as a member (e.g., while on duty as a member at a sponsoring organization or project)
- May not engage in political activity while in any office of the AmeriCorps VISTA program (e.g., while at the sponsoring organization or the project)
- May not engage in political activity while using a vehicle owned or leased by the sponsoring organization or project
- May not be a candidate for public office in a partisan election
- May not wear political buttons while in service time as a member (e.g., while on duty as a member at a sponsoring organization or project)
- May not engage in political activity while wearing an article of clothing, badge, insignia, or other item that identifies AmeriCorps or the AmeriCorps VISTA program