Ecolibrium3 is committed to improving infrastructure for community benefit. For example, we are working with One Block at a Time and the City of Duluth to incorporate Green Infrastructure principles into local projects. Green Infrastructure improves stormwater runoff in roads, sidewalks, and drains by mimicking natural systems. Preventing sewer and stormwater overflows and investing in good sanitary infrastructure is important in our homes and throughout our community. Another project that incorporates these principles is Legacy House.
Legacy House will be a home for community volunteers serving with the Eco3 VISTA program. Though currently condemned, once it is completed Legacy House will add units of affordable housing into the community, enhance the anti-poverty and capacity building efforts of Eco3 VISTA members, and transform existing infrastructure from neighborhood blight into a community asset. Past progress has included updating stairs and framing, building the deck, and installing new windows and doors. Now, we are excited to announce that storm and wastewater improvements are complete at Legacy House.

This summer multiple aspects of water management have been addressed at Legacy House. The old clay tile sewer has been lined so it is now fully compliant, meaning that the sewer connects to the City’s sewer system, where it is treated before being discharged into Lake Superior and the St. Louis River. It is critical that no sewage leaks in this process. The new lining ensures sewage will be transported properly.
The completion of these projects was only possible thanks to our Legacy House partners and supporters:
- Volunteers coordinated through Duluth Service Learning Camp and the Eco3 VISTA Summer Associates who did a lot of digging for the sump pump trench and to help expose the sewer clean out.
- Donors who contributed funds to the Legacy House sewer at Sidewalk Days.
- Contractors who worked diligently to get the work done including Northland Lining, A.G. O’Brien, Shelton Excavating, and Holden Electric.
- Comfort Systems for restoring water to the building.
- City of Duluth for grant funds through the I/I Grant Program.
- WLSSD and the City of Duluth’s Public Works & Utilities for teaching Eco3 staff and VISTA members about local storm and wastewater infrastructure and treatment.
We appreciate your work and generosity!

It truly takes a community to ensure local water quality remains high for the wellbeing of our families, our environment, and our neighbors in the community. Individuals can make a difference by examining their home’s storm and wastewater infrastructure, making necessary improvements to ensure both kinds of water are managed properly, and ensuring only wastewater (and toilet paper) enter the sewer system.
We can all help keep Duluth’s water clean. Learn more on WLSSD’s wastewater webpages and explore grant-funded opportunities to assist with inflow and infiltration improvements at your home. If you have questions about storm or waste water management at your house or Legacy, contact Eco3 and we will be happy to chat or refer you.