Community and Social Services Tabletop with Ready North
In February, Ecolibrium3 co hosted a Community and Social Services Tabletop with Ready North. See how this conversation was different from the typical emergency preparedness training.

Celebrating 30 Years of AmeriCorps
This year marks the 30th year of the AmeriCorps program! We are excited to celebrate our wonderful VISTAs during AmeriCorps week.

End of Service for Three VISTA Members
Ecolibrium3 AmeriCorps VISTA members dedicate a year to serving their communities. Three amazing VISTAs started their year of service last February, and their time is wrapping up this month.

Ecolibrium3 Presents at City Sustainability Series
In January we participated in a workshop series called Sustainable Duluth hosted by the City of Duluth. One of our Energy experts presented on simple ways to make a home more efficient.

Eco3 VISTAs Participate in MLK Day Events
The National Day of Service is a time for VISTA members to come together for a common cause. This January, our VISTAs supported the NAACP Martin Luther King Day celebrations. See how our community marked this important day together.

Challenge Accepted: Biden Making Historic Investments Toward Equity
President Biden visited the Twin Ports area this January. At one end of the Blatnik Bridge, Lincoln Park applauds the billion dollar investment, but that’s only part of the story.

The IRA: Expanding Community Solar
Solar energy is one of the most popular forms of clean, renewable energy, and it has the potential to help reduce pollution and increase energy security in our state. But not everyone can put solar panels on their roof. That’s where community solar comes in.

Eco3 Impact and Vision: Reflecting on 2023, Looking Forward to 2024
Ecolibrium3 collaborates to make our community economically vibrant, ecologically healthy, and empowering for everyone. Let’s see what we achieved together in 2023!

Community Food Guide December 2023
Update to the community food resource guide for winter 2023.

The IRA: Preparing for Home Solar
Did you know Minnesota has similar solar potential to Texas? See our recommendations to prepare your home for solar energy.

A Year of Growth at the Farm
Harvest season has come to a close at the Eco3 Urban Farm. See what the Farm team achieved in our first year of production!

Designs for Sustainable Food Systems
This fall, Eco3 staff participated in the HGA Community Action Design Workshop to create plans for the Eco3 Urban Farm. Learn about the process and see their ideas!