The long wait for summer sun is over! Ecolibrium3 is excited to announce that we are moving forward with the construction of the Lincoln Park Solar Garden right here in our neighborhood! After some long delays due to weather and global pandemic, we are set to begin construction of the array that will benefit veterans and low-income families in late summer!
Working with the local solar installer Wolf Track Energy, as well as our Lincoln Park neighbors at Northland Consulting Engineers and Minnesota Power, we are finalizing our designs, permits, and plans to begin construction in August. With about a month of construction time, we will be excited to invite the community to help flip the switch on renewable power in Lincoln Park.
The 40-kilowatt Lincoln Park Solar Garden will support veterans and low-income families in Duluth. The value of the renewable energy produced will be shared between the Duluth Veterans’ Place, a transitional housing project for veterans experiencing homelessness and an Emergency Energy Fund to protect low-income families from utility disconnection.
Ecolibrium3 launched the project with funding from Minnesota Power and through the SUNraiser fundraising campaign that raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and engaged hundreds of community members and donors. The project also received national recognition from the U.S. Conference of Mayors for proposed creative placemaking at the site, which includes community garden space, educational displays around science and energy production, and art installations that explore the Lincoln Park neighborhood’s character and history.
Stay tuned for more projects updates and invitations to take part in Ecolibrium3’s work to advance solar energy in Duluth!