As part of our Main Street Lincoln Park work, we have been working to reduce the impact of the Twin Ports Interchange Project (TPI, also known locally as Can of Worms) on Lincoln Park residents and businesses. As a member of the TPI Stakeholder and Visual Quality committees, Ecolibrium3 will be providing updates via newsletter and on the Our Lincoln Park Facebook page as the project progresses.
MnDOT has been working hard with test drilling and preparing for the upcoming construction of the Twin Ports Interchange. This summer will bring the closure and replacement of the 27th Avenue bridge, rerouting of Coffee Creek from under Highway 53 to under 22nd Ave W, and the closure of Lower Michigan as gas and sewer lines are replaced and the road is prepared to become a bypass during the project. Be prepared for road closures and detours.
Representative Liz Olson’s (DFL-7B) bill is requesting $100 million in bonding dollars to cover the amount the TPI project is over budget. This amount will cover the work currently deferred on two critical sections to complete the project. Please contact your representative’s office to support this bill and complete the first and last miles to our port. Learn more here.
Monthly public meetings are held at Clyde Iron Works. The next meeting will be on February 24 from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm and again from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. MnDOT TPI Project Staff will be on site to answer any questions with short project presentations at 11:45 am and 6:15 pm.
Click here for more TPI meeting and project updates.