Just up the hill from the Ecolibrium3 office, overlooking Lake Superior, nestled in a grove of aspen trees, there’s something exciting growing: the Ecolibrium3 Urban Farm!
Lake Superior College (LSC) hosts the Farm on its lovely campus, while Ecolibrium3 runs farm operations and programs. This innovative partnership is mutually beneficial: Ecolibrium3 gets a space for growing produce, hosting educational events, and developing our food systems program, while LSC students have access to a functioning, sustainable growing environment for learning and fun events.

The Eco3 Urban Farm is part of our budding food systems program, which aims to improve access to fresh, local, healthy, culturally appropriate food in Lincoln Park and throughout Duluth. Lincoln Park residents have been asking and organizing for a grocery store in the neighborhood for years. In addition to the Urban Farm, our food systems program also aims to bring a small-footprint grocery store and a community commercial kitchen to Lincoln Park; the Farm is an exciting step in this process!

From its opening, it has been clear that the Eco3 Urban Farm is a useful space for many different people, groups, organizations, and businesses in Duluth. In addition to growing plants, the Farm has also been busy with education, partnerships, and outreach. Master Gardeners have held community classes, local schools are planning field trips, and local businesses and organizations have come out to volunteer. The high tunnels are full of seedlings being grown not just for planting at the Farm, but also for planting at community gardens and other local organizations.

Come see the Farm for yourself! This summer, join us for hands-on activities and learning during Saturdays at the Farm. This program will be running from June through September, every Saturday, from 10 am to 3 pm. There is no need to register; just come whenever you like! Every weekend will feature general chores in the morning, and hands-on activities from 1- 3 pm.
When you come to Saturdays at the Farm, be sure to bring closed-toed shoes, a full water bottle, and a lunch. You can stay for the whole day, or just join us for a short time. All ages are welcome!
This map shows the easiest way to get to the farm by car or by bus. Click the image to access a downloadable version of the file.
By car: Take Highway 53 past Lake Superior College main entrance. Turn left on Coffee Creek Blvd, then follow the roads left past the Health and Sciences building to the Farm entrance.
By bus: Take routes 8 or 9 to Lake Superior College, then walk through campus and past the Health and Sciences building to find the Farm entrance.