Ecolibrium3 is currently working with community partners to help revitalize the Lincoln Park neighborhood, including addressing the issue of affordable housing. In 2017 a condemned home in the Lincoln Park neighborhood, dubbed the Legacy House, was donated to Ecolibrium3 to be redeveloped into an affordable co-housing model. The Legacy House will showcase a universal design for full accessibility and model sustainable energy practices that can make old buildings more eco-friendly.
In Duluth, there is a shortage of affordable housing options. Luckily, it is actually more cost effective to breathe life into existing infrastructure than start from scratch, and the Lincoln Park neighborhood has a number of blighted buildings with potential. We hope the actions we take to improve the Legacy House serve as a model for other condemned house owners and community partners to improve their property.
Ways to get involved: AmeriCorps VISTA members and Ecolibrium3 staff work on Legacy House revitalization projects as our schedule allows. We invite you to assist with the Legacy House Project in a variety of ways including volunteering skilled labor, donating supplies or materials for the event, or pledging financial support for the project. Please contact us to get involved.