Keep Lester Green
Keep Lester Green is a group of businesses, organizations, and individuals who have expressed their desire and intention to save the Lester Park Golf Course from being sold to private developers who plan to turn a portion of the green space into a hotel and resort.
The group want to protect Lester for a variety of reasons: the land is public land that is used by many Duluthians and visitors of all backgrounds; it is a natural green space with diverse wildlife and foliage; it is part of Duluth’s Green Belt, a feature the city has protected in the past and should continue to preserve. Turning it private would increase traffic while decreasing the recreational and environmental qualities of the area, an overall lose-lose for the citizens of Duluth.
On the website you can add your name to the petition and help preserve this green space and the Duluth golf tradition for future generations.
Photo used with permission by Keep Lester Green
Get involved
Now that you’ve learned more, the best way to create change is by getting involved! Donate your money or time, find support, and take action. Citizen climate action means a stronger, healthier, more vibrant Duluth!
Learn more and get involved with Keep Lester Green.