At Ecolibrium3, it’s Earth Day every day! During this Earth Week, we want to share what we’ve done in the past year on sustainability and climate action, help you safely engage in Earth Week activities in your community, and join us in crafting an equitable and sustainable future.

We know that urgent action is needed on climate change and to create healthy and vibrant neighborhoods. The effects of climate change impact those most disadvantaged, and here in Lincoln Park our residents already face environmental justice issues due to high exposure to pollutants and poverty.
All of our work addresses the need for local climate action, not just our work in energy efficiency, solar, or climate organizing. Our work to build community connections, enhance local food systems, and create a vital business district all have impacts that reduce carbon emissions and develop local solutions to environmental issues.
Here are some of our earth-friendly achievements from the past year:
- Conducted over 200 home energy audits
- Completed 30 weatherization projects, which saved the equivalent of 79 tons of carbon and on average saved low income families over $140 each year in their energy bills
- Moved forward on the Lincoln Park Solar Garden, a 40 kW solar array that will benefit low-income households and veterans
- Convened a summit on sustainable local food systems in Lincoln Park
- Began organizing a Citizens Climate Plan for Duluth
- Advocated for bicycle and pedestrian-friendly transportation design in Lincoln Park
- Continued to organize and facilitate the Duluth Climate and Energy Network, Minnesota Climate Table, and the RE-AMP Network.
- Continued our work on disaster preparedness with the Ready North Network and joined Great Lakes One Waters Partnership to collaborate on sustainable water management
We will continue to share a number of opportunities for you to get engaged with Ecolibrium3’s work. As we lead and inspire change towards an equitable and sustainable future, remember that at Ecolibrium3, every day is Earth Day!