By Polly Chase Boyden
Mud is very nice to feel
All squishy-squash between the toes!
I’d rather wade in wiggly mud
Than smell a yellow rose.
Nobody else but the rosebush knows
How nice mud feels
Between the toes.

At Ecolibrium3, we are planning for our third annual Earth Week. This year we’re talking a lot about what Earth Day means to us. We take time during meetings to connect with nature and talk about our favorite things to do outside. We’ve shared stories about cleaning up litter with childhood friends, growing plants in the garden, and many other ways of connecting with nature.
Earth Day (and Earth Week) is a celebration of the earth, our community, and our relationships. This year, we are celebrating those relationships by sharing stories. In addition to sharing our own stories, we want to hear from you. When did you first feel a connection to the Earth? What are your favorite ways to connect with nature? Please submit your story of your relationship with nature, the Earth, or Earth Day. If possible, please include a photo, drawing, or other image to represent this connection.
These photos and stories will be shared at EcoFest, a free community event at Clyde Iron Works on April 22, 11 am-3 pm. Come celebrate Earth Day with us, see your story, and the stories of your neighbors!

Example from Ecolibrium3 staff member Sarah:
“My parents took my siblings and I outside every day when we were little. My mom talks about how I had lots of hair for a baby. She says I loved to sit outside and ‘feel the wind in my fuzz.’ In first grade, I had a birthday party where the theme was bugs. I loved digging through dirt and mud to find cool rocks and creepy critters. There is nothing like going outside and noticing all the other living things around.”
This form is now closed. Thank you to all who submitted their Earth Day stories!