Congratulations to our six LNPK gift card winners, and a big thank you to everyone who provided their feedback on our 2022 community survey! This fall, Duluth Age-Friendly put out a community needs assessment to learn more about what people need to thrive in our community. We received over 500 community responses and had many great conversations over the last few months! Thanks to everyone for sharing stories and your visions for a thriving community.
A thriving community has affordable and appropriate housing and transportation options. It offers community features and opportunities that nurture personal agency, purpose, social engagement and connectedness, activity, and belonging while prioritizing safety for people of all ages.
Our mission is to create, support, and sustain a community for people of all ages to thrive. We want Duluth to be a community where the community can meet your needs and advance your dreams regardless of age.
These survey results will help us understand more about our community’s wants and needs. The results showed that many people seek more ways to feel connected in their community. Because of this, the Duluth Age-Friendly initiative is now exploring the importance of social connectedness, social participation, and its role in individual health and wellness throughout all stages of life. To participate in this survey, follow the survey link below.