Ensuring the health and resilience of the Lincoln Park neighborhood is a top priority for Ecolibrium3. Doing so in a way that supports local businesses, builds community collaboration, and raises money for other nonprofits is exactly the community-centered model that Ecolibrium3 aims to provide.
That’s why we are launching the Pay It Forward PPE Project.

Pay It Forward PPE uses community volunteers to assemble personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline workers, while making donations and providing PPE to our neighborhood residents and partners during the pandemic.
“We’re focused on coordinating Lincoln Park’s assets so that they work to benefit everyone,” Jodi Slick, Ecolibrium3 CEO said. “Creating a program that provides a local solution to a community need and reinvests in the neighborhood is what Ecolibrium3 is all about.”
In April, our West Superior Street neighbor Frost River, shifted its business from manufacturing outdoor bags and gear to many types of PPE. Ecolibrium3 and Frost River have since begun a collaboration to ensure that the locally-made PPE benefits Lincoln Park.
Groups of volunteers from around the community are stepping up to assemble face shields. Each group of 30-35 can assemble 6,000 face shields in a 4 hour volunteer session, raise up to $1,000 for a nonprofit of their choice, and have the opportunity to gather in a safe, physically-distanced manner with friends and coworkers.
You can register your group and learn more at Pay It Forward PPE.
Our goals for the project are:
- Distribute 360,000 face shields and 30,000 masks
- Raise $60,000 for nonprofits
- Support local businesses through rent, giftcards, and other purchases
- Build connections through volunteering with thousands of our community members