I remember when I was younger the joy that summer vacation brought with it. Growing up in the country, the day after school ended my friends and I would jump on our bikes and ride all day long. Sometimes we would end up at the beach or go exploring in the woods, but most often we would end up at our town’s recreation center where there was always some activity or game being organized by volunteers in our community. Those volunteers demonstrated to me the impact an individual can make when they put their passion to use for the benefit of others.
Fast forward to the end of my freshman year in college. I didn’t know what to do with myself once my spring semester ended. I didn’t want to move home and spend my summer working a part time job stocking shelves or waiting tables. I wanted my actions to mean something! My solution — become a summer camp counselor. I made $100 a week, which broke down to a whopping 69 cents an hour; but I would not have changed my summer as a camp counselor for anything! It was one of the moments in my life that shaped the person I wanted to be.
There is something magical about volunteering in your community that changes you! It’s a powerful feeling when you know that your actions are making a positive difference in someone’s life, and it can change your whole perspective. That is the reason I am so proud of the work we do at Eco3 VISTA. VISTA is a national program and stands for Volunteers In Service To America. It is all about connecting the right individual with a position that they are passionate about to make our community a better place to live.
Our summer VISTAs make a difference in our community. This year we are selecting 20 summer VISTAs to serve in a variety of ways. Maybe you like working outside in the dirt and believe everyone should have fresh food available – we have a position for that! Maybe you love kids and want to provide a safe place for them to spend their summer vacation – we have a position for that! Maybe you want to connect with your neighbors and find ways to make their lives easier – we have a position for that! There is a place for everyone to make a difference at Eco3 VISTA.
And unlike when I was in college, VISTA does not expect you to work for $100 a week! While working in the VISTA program you will receive a living stipend of around $675 every two weeks, and when you finish your term at the end of the summer are eligible for up to a $1350 education award. You also get to choose if you want an 8, 9 or 10 week term giving you flexibility around your start and end date.
You don’t need any special qualifications to be a Summer VISTA. If you are inspired to change your world into a better place this summer, I want to talk to you! You can reach out to me, Patrick Weber, via email at patrick@ecolibrium3.org, via phone at 218-336-1038, or you can find out more about our open positions on our website. The door for your next adventure is open!