2021 was a big year for the Lincoln Park Solar Garden. Completed in October 2020, 2021 was its first full calendar year of operation. Throughout the year this 40 kW solar garden produced 5,892 MWH of energy which is equivalent to the average yearly energy use of nearly 7 Minnesota households. At a rate of roughly 10 cents per kWh, the energy produced from these panels generated around $5,892. A quarter of the funds will be given to Duluth Veterans Place, a project of Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans, to support their efforts in ending veteran homelessness in Duluth. The rest will be placed into an Eco3 Energy Fund which helps families make their homes more energy efficient. Along with financial and social benefits the Solar Garden also has major environmental benefits. Nearly 89,500 pounds of CO2 emissions were avoided through the use of solar produced from these panels. This is the carbon reduction equivalent of planting nearly 690 trees.
The Lincoln Park Solar Garden, located at the northeastern entrance to Lincoln Park, is Duluth’s first community-owned, low-income solar project. We are happy to share our first yearly production update and look forward to continuing to assist Duluth Veterans Place and adding to the Eco3 Energy Fund.